Preparation of draft laws on the direction of education in Cameroon and decrees on the organization of public schools and setting out the responsibilities of those responsible for school administration: reflection is underway at the Ministry of Basic Education. The first session of the working group set up for this purpose was held this Monday, July 22, 2024 in the MINEDUB conference room. It was under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Basic Education, Adams Daniel Oyono, president of the said working group, in the presence of the heads of the central and decentralized services of MINEDUB, including the general inspectors, the Head of the division of legal affairs, the director of nursery and primary education, the director of monitoring of basic private education, the head of the planning, projects and cooperation division, among others. In his speech on the occasion, the president of the working group noted that the idea of developing the above-mentioned draft laws and decrees comes from the observation that the education orientation law of 1998 and the decree of 2001, have become obsolete and therefore out of step with the social, political and economic realities of the day, both nationally and globally. Also, to achieve the desired objective, the Minister of Basic Education, Professor Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa, authorized that the questions raised be debated in a formal framework bringing together the general inspections, the management and similar of central services and the ten regional basic education delegations with a view to making relevant proposals to the government. During the work of this first session of the working group, the contributions of the various stakeholders were presented to the participants and recommendations made for the next session scheduled for next August.
Preparation of draft laws on the direction of education in Cameroon and decrees on the organization of public educational establishments