As part of the activities relating to the effective implementation of School Feeding in Cameroon, the KRYSTAL Palace hotel in Douala served as the setting on Tuesday July 9, 2024, for the holding of the proofreading and technical validation workshop of the National School Feeding Strategy document in Cameroon. The Department of Health, Sports and After-school Activities piloted this activity with financial support from the World Food Program and the World Bank.
In addition to the heads of the Ministry of Basic Education, the World Bank and the World Food Program, those from the sectoral Administrations (MINEPAT, MINADER, MINDDEVEL, MINPROFF, MINEPIA, MINSANTE, MINREX, MINCOM), and UN agencies were present. (UNICEF, UNESCO, FAO/PAM, UNHCR, etc.), NGOs (Nascent Solutions, IDAY Internationale, etc.) and Civil Society Organizations (ODEAC).
Chaired by Mr. OYONO Adams Daniel, Secretary General of the Ministry of Basic Education, the following technical departments supported the DSSAPPS in the success of this activity, in particular:
- The Department of Nursery and Primary Education;
- The Legal Affairs Division;
- The Project Planning and Cooperation Division;
- The Directorate of Financial and Material Resources.
We can also note the presence of decentralized services from the Ministry of Basic Education, namely: - Central Regional Delegation;
- Northern Regional Delegation;
- Adamaoua Regional Delegation;
- Eastern Regional Delegation;
- North-West Regional Delegation;
- South-West Regional Delegation.