On Monday, August 5, 2024, the Conference Room of the Ministry of Basic Education hosted the third sectoral meeting on the organization of the 58th edition of the International Literacy Day (ILD) scheduled for Yaoundé from September 9 to 10, 2024. It was chaired by the Inspector General of Services (IGS) of MINEDUB, Mr. NANGA Charles, in the presence of the Inspector General of Education (IGE), Pr Justina Atemajong épse Njika. In his opening remarks, the IGS recalled that the said meeting is in line with the guidelines given by the Minister of Basic Education and the Secretary of State to the Minister of Basic Education during the previous preparatory meetings.
Three events punctuated this meeting: the reading of the report of the second meeting; the restitution of the activities of each commission and the weekly planning of work in each commission. The report of the previous meeting was read by the head of the technical secretariat, the Director of Literacy, Non-Formal Basic Education and Promotion of National Languages, Mrs. Ntamack Georgette. Then, each Technical Commission presented its budget. At the end of the meeting, the Inspector General of Services asked the various commissions to submit their respective consolidated budgets to the Technical Commission no later than August 6, 2024 at 4 p.m. He also stressed the importance of perfect synergy of action between the commissions, in order to guarantee the success of this event. With this in mind, a WhatsApp group of the presidents of the commissions and focal points should thus be created.
The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, August 9, 2024 at 10 a.m., subject to the opinion of the Minister of Basic Education.
Third sectoral meeting on the organisation of the 58th edition of the International Literacy Day (ILD)
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